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Bookings & Payments

Accept bookings via your Vabooki website
4 articles

Booking statuses

In an attempt to simplify booking management for our clients, every booking is allocated two statuses. The first is for the booking itself, this status effects the availability of your property. When a booking has any status other than "cancelled" or "Not Complete", your booking calendar will sho...

Manually confirm bookings

As default, all bookings where a payment takes place is automatically "Confirmed" (this does not include payments by Bank Transfer). If a payment does not take place during the booking process, the booking will be set to "Unconfirmed". Either way, the period will be blocked on your availability cale...

Currencies explained

Vabooki has been developed to be as fluid as possible when handling currencies. Not only can your guests complete the booking process in over 32 different currencies, you can also set different currencies for different properties you own and a default currency for each website you own. To explain t...

Payment & Cancellation Terms, Rental Agreements

We recommend that all our members add accurate payment, cancellation and rental terms to their websites. Especially, if the website has been setup to accept bookings. Depending upon if you own a multi-unit property or a single-unit property the method of setting up these agreements can be slightly d...